ECO-ENERGÍA S.A. is the first Argentine company to generate renewable and clean energy, from forest biomass, which supplies the National Interconnected System, within the framework of the RENOVAR PROGRAM for RENEWABLE Energy Supply.
To formally assume our mission to generate and add value to the products of the earth, preserving the environment and the values of reliability, sustainable growth, commitment to the environment and profitability, we have developed and implemented an environmental management system committed to:
- Care in the occupational health and safety of our own personnel, third parties, customers and the community in which the company is inserted.
- A solid commitment from management and workers, strengthened in training, participation and awareness, assuming responsibility with safe work and respect for the environment.
- The protection and care of the environment, preventing and mitigating the possible contamination and the possible significant environmental impacts of the activities, products and / or services that we generate / loans.
- Sustainable development, and compliance with legal requirements.
- Transparent and fluent communication with relevant stakeholders.
- The continuous improvement of the environmental management system to improve environmental performance.
- The duty of all personnel to exercise their responsibility by cooperating fully in the prevention of harm to themselves and other people and to avoid causing the deterioration of the Environment that surrounds our activities.
Puerto Esperanza, June 2018.
Rafael Alejandro Scherer